CDC Beetle

cdcbeetle (2).jpg

About the Pattern

Beetles can be very effective, especially during the months of July, August and into September. This is a good pattern that floats well in the water and is willing eaten by trout.


  • Hook: Dry fly hook sizes 12-16

  • Thread: Olive (example: Uni /0, UTC 70D)

  • Body: Peacock Herl

  • Carapace: Olive CDC or color of choice

  • Underbody (optional): 2mm foam

Tying Instructions

  • Mash barb. Mount the hook and lay a thread base.

  • (Optional) Cut a one inch length of 2mm foam ~1/8 inch wide. Tie the foam on top of the hook about two eye lengths behind the eye. Bring the thread under the hook and make several wraps on the shank directly above the point of the hook. Bring the foam over the top of the shank and tie off. Cut the excess foam.

  • Tie on two CDC feathers (by the butts) concave side up directly above the barb and pointing towards the rear of the hook.

  • Tie on 4-6 strands of peacock herl. Wrap the peacock herl forward over the foam, if used, or the hook shank if the foam is not used. Tie off in front of the foam or at about the 20% point on the hook shank.

  • Bring the CDC forward and tie off at the 20% point on the hook shank. Pull fibers back on both sides of the hook shank for legs.

  • Form a head, tie off and cement.